Sponsor/Exhibitor activities

You can offer your exhibitors to create activities on their exhibitor profile. The activities are handled by the contact persons assigned to the exhibitor profile.

Activities could be competitions, sign up for news letters etc. Activities are found on the sponsor/exhibitor profile and could look like this:

Activity 1

If you want to know how to create these activities, then see our guide here. Be aware, that activities are not available for the native app’s at the moment.

Activities are called ‘surveys’ – so to create a new activity – click ‘Add new survey’.

Create your activity:

Extract the data

As a contact person, you can extract the collected data from the attendees, by doing as below:

If you as an organizer, wants to offer to set up the activities for your Sponsor/Exhibitors – you can do so – just by logging on with the relevant contact persons email – the procedure is the same as above.

If you want to provide your contact person with a guide, you can access the guide here:

Create activities – a guide for contact persons