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    Sponsor/ Exhibitor


    The modules Sponsors/Exhibitors are identical, but can also be used to present Partners, Products etc. The Sponsors/Exhibitors module in Eventbuizz offers comprehensive tools for managing partnerships, product showcases, and promotional opportunities within events. It streamlines the process of engaging with sponsors, exhibitors, partners, and showcasing products, enhancing the overall event experience for both organizers and attendees.

    Sponsors are organizations or companies that provide financial support to the event in exchange for exposure and promotional opportunities. The Sponsors module allows event organizers to manage sponsorships efficiently. 

    Exhibitors are organizations or companies that showcase their products or services at the event.The Exhibitors module enables organizers to handle exhibitor registrations, booth assignments, and logistics. Exhibitors can upload information about their products or services, including descriptions, images, and videos, which attendees can access through the event app or website.

    The Sponsors/Exhibitors module can also be used to manage partnerships with other organizations, media partners, or community sponsors. In addition to sponsors and exhibitors, the module can be utilized to showcase specific products or services.


    Sponsor/ Exhibitor List



    Sponsor/ Exhibitor tabs have following tabs settings which will show/ hide data in sponsor/ exhibitor detail.


    The about feature displays the description of each sponsor’s/ exhibitor’s detail within the event app.

    Contact person

    The “Show contact person” feature displays the contact person associated with each sponsor or exhibitor in detail within the event app.


    The Document tab displays the documents added for each sponsor’s/ exhibitor’s in their detail within the event app.

    Contact Info

    This shows the contact info such as email, phone, website, Linked in, Facebook and Twitter profile if the link is given in detail.


    The Notes tab activate the notes section in web app for attendees.

    Show sponsors on app right column

    These settings seem to pertain to managing how sponsors are displayed within an app’s right column. Let’s break down each option:

    None: This option likely means that no sponsors will be displayed in the right column of the app. Users selecting this option won’t see any sponsor/ exhibitor content in the right column of the app.

    Show all: Choosing this option will display all available sponsors in the right column. It means that every sponsor/exhibitor associated with the app will be shown to users in that section, without any filtering based on categories or specific selections.

    Show by category: This setting allows users to view sponsors based on specific categories. For example, if there are different types of sponsors (e.g., technology, fashion, food), users can select a category, and only sponsors belonging to that category will be displayed in the right column.

          • After selecting one of these options, users may be prompted to further specify their preferences, such as selecting a category or choosing specific sponsors, depending on the option they’ve chosen.
          • The “Category” dropdown likely allows users to filter sponsors based on predefined categories, enabling them to narrow down their choices and view sponsors that align with their interests or preferences.

    Show selected sponsors: This option lets users manually select which sponsors they want to see in the right column of the web app. It provides users with the flexibility to customize their experience by choosing sponsors that are of interest to them.

    When you select this option, a new option will appear in the menu when you click on the three dots icon next to the sponsor/exhibitor list. The name of this new option will be show in right app (right column).

    Overall, these settings offer users control over the type and extent of sponsor content they see in the app’s right column, providing them with a more personalized experience.

    Display contact [.vcf]

    The “Display contact [.vcf]” feature for sponsors and exhibitors allows event participants to download a virtual contact file (VCF) from webapp. This file format is commonly used for sharing contact information digitally.

    When an attendee clicks on the “Display contact [.vcf]” link, they can download a VCF file that contains the contact details of the sponsor or exhibitor. This file can then be easily imported into their contact management software or address book on their device.

    Display name in listing

    The “Display name in listing” setting for sponsors and exhibitors determines whether or not the name of a sponsor or exhibitor will be visible in various public listings.

    Display email and Display phone

    When this setting is enabled, the email address of the sponsor or exhibitor will be visible to attendees in the event’s platform.

    Display contact person email and Display contact person phone

    “Display contact person email” and “Display contact person phone,” allow sponsors to share specific contact details of a designated representative with event attendees. 

    When both settings are enabled, the email address and phone number of a designated contact person from the organization will be visible to attendees.

    Display both name and category

    The Display both name and category setting in the web app controls whether the tabs for name and category are shown or hidden.

    Display category in list view

    This setting decides if the category (such as Technology, Healthcare, Finance, etc.) of each sponsor or exhibitor is visible in the main list where all sponsors or exhibitors are displayed.

    Hide contact persons from attendees list

    The Hide contact persons from attendees list setting prevents the names and contact information of the contact persons representing sponsors or exhibitors from showing up in the attendees list. This keeps their details private and helps prevent them from receiving unwanted messages or spam.

    Show booth

    Booth includes the booth number or location, a description of the booth, and sometimes a map showing where the booth is located within the event venue.

    The Show booth setting for sponsors or exhibitors determines whether the booth information for each sponsor or exhibitor is displayed to the attendees within the event app or website..

    Show on native app dashboard

    The “Show on native app dashboard” setting determines whether certain sponsors or exhibitors are prominently displayed on the main dashboard of the event’s native mobile app.

    Mark favorite

    The “Mark favorite” feature allows users to designate certain sponsors or exhibitors as their favorites within the event app. By marking a sponsor or exhibitor as a favorite, users can easily access and prioritize their preferred vendors, making it convenient to revisit their profiles, booths, or contact information during the event. 

    GDPR accepted

    The “GDPR accepted” feature indicates that the sponsor or exhibitor has agreed to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements. 

    If an attendee becomes a contact person but hasn’t accepted GDPR, they’ll automatically accept GDPR after becoming a contact person.

    All these settings on the portal are used to control the menus. Turning them on or off will hide or show the menus.

    Allow add booth staff

    The “Allow add booth staff” setting in the portal is used to give permission for adding new staff members to a booth. When this setting is enabled, users can add or assign staff to manage or assist at the booth. If it’s disabled, no new staff can be added.

    Allow company and booth name update

    • Allow company name update: This setting lets users update or change the company name associated with the booth or profile. If enabled, users can modify the company name. If disabled, the company name cannot be changed.

    • Allow booth number update: This setting allows users to update or change the booth number. If enabled, users can modify the booth number. If disabled, the booth number will remain fixed and cannot be updated.

    API key access

    When you turn on the API key access setting, the API key starts showing in the sponsor or exhibitor’s profile. With this key, you can fetch or collect specific leads related to that particular sponsor or exhibitor.

    The leads portal settings for sponsors/exhibitors will only be activated if the leads app mode “With Exhibitor Portal” is selected.

    How to select Leads app mode. Click Leads Settings.

    Some of these settings are for Exhibitor Portal and some are for both Exhibitor Portal and Leads app with exhibitor portal.

    Show Leads

    This setting, when enabled, allows users to view the leads section in the exhibitor portal. 

    Product Catalogue and Consent Management

    Enabling this setting allows users to access and view the product catalog and provides users with options to manage consent and data privacy preferences for their leads within the portal and the leads app.

    Show Templates, Show leads scan conformation and leads user promotions

    When turned on, allows users to view and use different email templates in the portal.

    Show Survey Form and Show survey response overview

    Show survey form -> Allows users to access and view survey forms within the portal.

    Show survey response overview -> Allows users to view an overview of responses to surveys conducted through the portal. 

    The settings for the default display when users navigate to the sponsors page are crucial for organizing and presenting sponsor information effectively. Here’s a detailed explanation of these settings:

    Default Display Settings for Sponsors Page

    1. Listing by:

      • Name: When this option is selected, sponsors will be listed alphabetically by their names. This is useful if users are likely to search for sponsors by their company or brand name.
      • Category: When this option is selected, sponsors will be grouped and listed by their category (e.g., technology, healthcare, education). This is useful if users are interested in finding sponsors within a specific industry or type of service.
    2. Sort by:

      • Name: Within the chosen listing method, sponsors can be sorted alphabetically by their names. This ensures a straightforward, alphabetical order that is easy for users to navigate.
      • Category: Within the chosen listing method, sponsors can be sorted by their category. This will organize sponsors within each category alphabetically, providing a structured and logical flow for users looking within specific sectors.

    This setting is used to automatically send a blind carbon copy (BCC) of emails containing leads generated through the app to a specified email address.

    When an email is sent to a sponsor or exhibitor with leads (potential customer or client information), a copy of this email is also sent to the BCC email address without the primary recipient knowing.

    Example Scenario

    Imagine during an event, several attendees visit a sponsor’s booth and share their contact information to learn more about their products. When the app sends out emails to the sponsor containing these leads, the email address will receive a BCC of each of these emails. This allows event organizers to keep a record of all leads distributed to sponsors and exhibitors, ensuring that no lead is missed or lost in communication.

    By configuring this setting, event organizers can effectively manage and oversee the lead generation process, ensuring efficient follow-up and maximizing the event’s impact for sponsors and exhibitors.

    You can add multiple BCC email by clicking on Add bcc email button.