Knowledge Base



    We recommend that branding your page and App is the first thing you do after creating a new event. Each section provides options to either upload a new image or select an image from the media library. The dimensions and file size limits are specified to ensure that images fit properly within the design of the app or website.

    Follow this step-by-step guide for branding and make sure you have added images, logos, etc. all the places  that make sense for your event.

    Top header logo

    Upload your logo, The logo is automatically resized and is used on the registration site, email templates and in the app. The image dimensions are specified as 500px width and 170px height, with a maximum file size of 3MB. The formats supported are JPG and PNG.

    Invoice/ Order logo

    Invoice order logo is used for the invoice/ order confirmation. If the logo is not maintained, the system is using the event logo uploaded above.


    Social media image

    Social media image is used when a person is sharing the registration site on the Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. The required image dimensions are 1200px width and 630px height, with a maximum file size of 3MB. The formats supported are JPG and PNG.

    Event app icon

    Event app icon allows you to upload an icon that will be used in the event app.The image dimensions should be 120px by 120px, with a maximum file size of 3MB. The formats supported are JPG and PNG.



    Event app favicon

    This is where you upload the favicon, Favicon is a special format “.ico” small icon that appears in the browser tab when someone visits the event app or website. The dimensions should be 60px by 60px, and the format supported is ICO, with a maximum file size of 1MB.


    Branding colors

    You can set the primary and secondary branding colors for the app or website by entering hex color codes. These colors are used for the registration site, app and the email templates.


    App logo

    This section is for uploading the app logo, which will be displayed in the app. The required dimensions are 500px by 170px, with a maximum file size of 3MB. The formats supported are JPG and PNG.


    App branding

    This section allows you to customize the app’s background color and text color (light or dark).



    App background image

    You can upload a background image for the app. The image dimensions should be 1200px by 630px, with a maximum file size of 3MB. The formats supported are JPG and PNG.