Knowledge Base



    Simply opening this program puts you on your way to keeping pace with innovation and getting from A to Z more quickly. Program changes are easy to update and communicate immediately to attendees.

    • Add a Program

      1- Access the Session Details page: Begin by selecting your event. From the left-hand navigation, click Programs, then Program Sessions. Click Add Program.

      2- Enter the session details: Name your topic. Decide on the date, start time and end time. Add the location of a program. Click Save after entering name, date and time.

      3- Select Workshop Heading. Here you can select workshop, a list of workshops will appear select any workshop from the list. Or add a new workshop by clicking on the Program > Workshop Headings.

      4- Select Tracks, if necessary: Tracks or tracks make the program more manageable for the participants. Especially if you have many themes. You can choose to view the program sorted by track or a timeline. Or add a new Track by clicking Programs > Tracks

      5- Assign a speaker, if necessary: Let your attendees know who’s presenting by clicking Assign Speaker. A list will appear. Click next to the speaker’s name or add a new speaker by clicking Speakers > Speaker List entering required information and clicking Save.

      6- Assign Groups, if necessary: If you need to make a table plan for the evening’s dinner, a division of attendees by department or similar, then you can create groups in the event centre. Click Groups to create Groups.

      7- Permissions:

      1. Display Q&A: Once this check is enabled, a Q&A section will appear where attendees can ask questions about the
      2. Enable manual check-in: This check allows check-in admin to use this program for check-in.
      3. Enable Speaker list: This check enables the program to use the Request to speak module.
      4. Hide From Registration site: This will hide the program from registration site.
      5. Hide from web app: This will hide the program from web app.
      6. Only for Q&A: This check ensures that this program is hidden from all modules and only appears in the Q&A module.
      7. Only for Speaker list: This check makes sure that the program is only visible in the Q&A module and is hidden from all other modules.
      8. Only for poll: This check ensures that the program is hidden from all other modules and only visible in the Polls module.
      9. Show program in Check-in app: Enabling this program allows check-in administrators to use the program for the check-in app.
      10. Validate session check-in voting: This check ensures that users who check-in to a particular program can vote (respond to polls).
      11. Hide time: This check hides program’s time from everywhere.

      8- Tickets allowed: A program can be linked to the registration items and sub-registrations. The number given in this ticket allowed field only to allow the limited number of attendees. The numerical value entered in the “Ticket Allowed” field restricts the number of attendees attached to a particular program.

      NOTE: A program can only be linked with one registration item or sub registration at a time.

      For more details, Click Registration items or Sub registration.

      Edit a Program

      1 Access the Program Session page. Locate the Program session you would like to edit. Hover over the arrow to the right of its name by clicking the icon. then click Edit/ Quick Edit from the dropdown.

      2- Edit/ Quick Edit: Change the program’s name, description, or any other information you want. When you’re finished, click Save. This will automatically update the program’s details for in your account.

      Deleting a Program Session

      Locate the Session Category you would like to delete. Hover over the arrow to the right of its name, then click Delete. Click OK.


      Cloning a Program typically refers to creating an identical copy of a program. This process involves duplicating the content, layout, and formatting of the original program to reproduce it precisely.

      Attach Attendee to a Program Session

      If you have a program where not all participants are in the same program session, you can assign participants to the relevant program session and enable only My Programs in the app. This means that each participant can see their personal program within the app, rather than the full program.

      There are two ways to assign participants to program sessions

      • Assign Manually
      • Importing a CSV file. Which method you prefer depends on the total number of participants you want to allocate.

      Assign Manually

      1. Go to the program > program session > Tools > click Attach attendee.
      2. Go to the relevant program session, click  -> Attach attendee.

      Assign all the relevant attendees, either by scrolling down, searching or select all. Finish by clicking Assign.

      If you only want to keep the attendees’ program personal, then you deactivate ‘Program’ from the app and activate ‘My program’. Remember to assign everybody to all the common sessions, or else they won’t be able to see these sessions in ‘My program’.

      Native app – if you are using the native app – then remember to set the settings for ‘my program’ under ‘Program settings’:

      NOTE: Once a program is associated with a sub registration /registration item, attendees cannot be assigned or unassigned. Consider this feature before attaching sub-registrations or items.

      Import a CSV file

      In order to assign by importing a csv file, you need to have the program id’s. You extract these by exporting your program.

      Each program session has its unique program id.

      You are now ready to create your csv file (Excel sheet, saved as the format CSV). To get the email addresses of the attendees, you can export your attendees list, and sort them so you can easily copy/paste.

      Make one column called ‘Email’ and one called ‘ID’. You can either make one sheet per program session if you like – or you just do as below, keep adding as many email ids in the same sheet – it’s faster to do it this way, since you only must upload the file one time.

      When your file is ready, you can now import the file here:

      click Select File… to locate the file on your computer or network. Once you’re done, click Next.

      Before the file can be updated, you just need to ‘map’ your information – telling the system that ’email’ is equal to ‘attendee email’ and ID is equal to ‘Program id’.

      Your file is now successfully imported.

      Attach Speaker

      We can attach speakers in the same way as we attach attendees. For more details, under Speakers you can see how speakers are created and assigned to a program.

      Enable Check-in/ Speaker list

      These settings are in the program’s permissions, and we can enable/disable it from program listing too.

      • Enable Check-in: This check allows check-in admin to use this program for check-in.
      • Enable Speaker list: This check enables the program to use the Request to speak module.

      Virtual Setup


      We possess various tools options.


      If you want to import programs directly into the system. Here’s a breakdown of the instructions.

      Download Import file template. Copy pastes all the relevant data you have. Save the CSV file on your pc.

      NOTE: Topic, date, start time and end time is required. Importing a program is not possible unless you include this information during the import process.



      Date (dd-mm-yyyy)

      Program import implies a validation requirement for dates in a program, indicating that any date entered or processed within the program must adhere to the format of day-month-year (dd-mm-yyyy)dd (day): This part of the date should be represented by two digits, ranging from 01 to 31, to cover all possible days in a month.

      mm (month): The month should also be represented by two digits, ranging from 01 to 12, covering the twelve months of the year.
      yyyy (year): The year should be represented by four digits, providing a comprehensive range for years. This format is often used to avoid ambiguity, especially when dealing with different date formats globally.

      For example, a date like “15-03-2024” would be valid according to this format, as it follows the dd-mm-yyyy pattern. On the other hand, a date like “2024-15-03” would not be valid because it does not adhere to the specified format.

      Implementing this date format validation ensures consistency and standardization in the way dates are handled within the program. It helps prevent errors that may arise from users entering dates in different formats and ensures that the program processes dates consistently, enhancing data integrity and usability.

      Start time (hh:mm)

      End time (hh:mm)

      Start and end time must be in hh:mm. It will be in 24-hour format. Indicates a validation rule for time entries in a program.

      hh (hour): The hour part of the time should be represented by two digits, ranging from 00 to 23 in a 24-hour format. This ensures that hours are expressed in a 24-hour clock, where midnight is 00:00, and the last minute of the day is 23:59.
      mm (minute): The minute part of the time should also be represented by two digits, ranging from 00 to 59, covering all possible minutes in an hour.

      For example, a valid start time might be “09:30,” representing 9:30 AM, and a valid end time might be “17:45,” representing 5:45 PM. This validation rule ensures consistency in the representation of time and adherence to the 24-hour clock format. It helps prevent errors related to time entries and facilitates standardization in time-related data processing. Additionally, using the 24-hour format eliminates ambiguity between AM and PM designations, as each time is uniquely represented within a 24-hour cycle.

      Select file and then you are asked to either import new records or also update existing records.

      • Choose “Create new records” when you added attendees to the total Attendee list. Then it is only the new records that are imported, meaning no duplicates. 
      • Choose “Create new records and update existing records” when you will also need to update changes to existing attendee records.

      Import a file -> by clicking on Select File

      If you have used our template, you do not need to do any changes in mapping, just click ‘Next’. If you use your own CSV file – where the columns are name differently, please map the relevant information.

      Download sessions ratings/ Download sessions ratings details

      Attendees may have the opportunity to rate or provide feedback on individual sessions or presentations. These ratings are valuable for organizers as they help assess the quality, relevance, and success of each session.

      After the event or during its course, event organizers may want to collect and store this feedback for analysis or reporting purposes. “Download sessions ratings” implies retrieving this data from the event management platform and saving it locally.

    • Programs and parallel sessions/ Workshops typically refer to the various activities or sessions taking place concurrently. Instead of having a single, linear schedule, an event may offer multiple sessions or programs happening at the same time in different locations or rooms. Attendees can then choose which specific sessions they want to participate in based on their interests or preferences. This approach allows for a more diverse and customizable experience for attendees, as they can select the sessions most relevant to their needs or preferences.

      Enter the title and the time course for the parallel workshops or breakout sessions that are added to the program. Visually, they appear clearly next to each other. Either vertically or horizontally. 

      Edit: Change the workshop’s headlines name, date and time or any other information you want. When you’re finished, click Save. This will automatically update the workshop details.

    • “Tracks” refer to thematic or specialized categories within the overall program. Each track is a distinct pathway or series of sessions that focus on a specific topic, theme, or area of interest. These tracks are designed to cater to different audience preferences or to provide a structured way for participants to navigate through the event content.

      Begin by selecting your event. From the left-hand navigation, click Programs, then Tracks. Click Add. These tracks or sub tracks make the program more manageable for the attendees. Especially if you have many agendas to discuss.

      Tracks listing

      After adding tracks, they will all be displayed in a single listing. Within the tracks, you can also add sub-tracks. To edit or delete tracks or sub tracks, simply click on the  icon.


      We can Import, Export and delete all tracks from Tools.

      By clicking on export, system will download a csv file having all tracks and sub tracks in it. 
      Delete all will remove all tracks from listing permanently. 


      If you want to import tracks directly to the list, you do like this:

    • In Program modules, settings are where you as an organizer decides how your information in the event centre should be displayed in the web app, native app, and registration site.

      Program Tabs Settings

      If a certain setting is enabled here, tabs will appear to show or hide in the web application wherever programs are listed.

      Display Settings

      In program settings, you can:

      • Decides how the program should be displayed for the attendees. In a timeline? Track or both.
      • Activate session rating of a program.
      • Enable the attendees to create their own program, by marking a heart next to each session.
      • Enable ‘Q&A’ for all program sessions.
      • Enable list of all attached attendees in program session detail page.
      • Enable time on program session listing and detail page.
      • Activate notes.

      Native app only

      If you are using the native app – then remember to set the settings for ‘my program’ under ‘Program settings

      Polls and Survey settings

      Determine how often polls should be refreshed if shown on a common monitor. 

      Display on registration site.

      Enable program search filter: Activating a feature within a program or system that involves searching and filtering.