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    How activate/ redirect URL works


    Activate redirect

    Activate redirect is a feature that enhance user experience by automatically redirects attendees to a specific page or URL after they complete a particular action. This could include actions like submitting a registration form. The redirect ensures that attendees seamlessly move to the next step without needing to manually navigate. For instance, after registering for an event, attendees might be redirected to a thank-you page, an event schedule, or additional options like accommodation booking or event updates.

    URL redirect

    Specifies the destination URL for redirection if the ‘Activate redirect’ setting is enabled.


    How activate and URL redirect works:

    • You first need to turn it on by enabling the activate redirect URL setting. 
    • Enter the desired URL in the URL Redirect field. This is the web address where attendees will be redirected after they complete an action, like registration or placing an order.
    • The redirect happens without any manual steps, saving time and ensuring attendees get the required information instantly.