Word cloud upgrade
class=”has-black-color has-text-color”>Word cloud question in polls and surveys has extended to handle more words and gives the attendee the option to submit more. How it works? Add a Word cloud question in poll or survey, and decide how many words the attendee will type to answer the question. You will also decide whether or not […]
Happy New Year from Eventbuizz
>The year 2022 was one of the busiest years Eventbuizz has seen, with several major redesigns of our software and a whole range of new features introduced. But we are of course not stopping there. In 2023 we will introduce some of the biggest changes in our software to date, making it easier and faster […]
New attendee settings / Nye deltagerindstillinger
>For attendee settings, you as the organizer decides which information should be visible for the attendee, for all attendees, which permissions are given and how everyone will login to the app. These new attendee settings are divided into Sign in settings, Fields management, Permissions and Display settings. SIGN IN SETTINGS – Adjust all sign in settings, […]
New list view the Event Center / Ny visning af events i Eventcenteret
style=”margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt;”>New event listing page in Event Center with an additional helpful functions such as more information about your events, new options for sorting by date, year and much more. To begin with you can choose if you want to stay with the old list view. On the first of september, we […]
Eventbuizz – now with unlimited information pages / Nu har Eventbuizz et uendeligt antal informationssider
are replacing the 3 modules (practical information, general information and addtional information) with a more flexible and dynamic function. For the foreseeable future the three old information pages will still be available, but they will be phased out in time. With Information pages you can forget about limitations, because here you can create an infinite […]
New cloning feature for events / Nu kan du klone hele events
is now possible to clone an entire event directly from the Eventcenter. Eventbuizz has long had the option of copying events, but with the new cloning feature, you will have almost all data moved to your new event, with only the exception of uploaded documents. Do notice that attendees will only be moved over if […]
Ny navigation i Eventcentret / New Event Center navigation
ntbuizz teamet er i fuld gang med forberedelserne til en ny og forbedret version af hjemmeside, tilmeldingsformular og app. Vi vil løbende opdatere om det nye der sker og vi håber du vil tage godt imod det. I første omgang ændrer vi på hovedmenuerne i Event Centret for at skabe bedre overblik og logik. Tilmeldingsside bliver delt op […]
Sletning af data
style=”margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt;”>Med indførslen af GDPR, er det vigtigt at huske at rydde op i den data, der genereres i jeres events. Vi har tilføjet en knowledge base-artikel om sletning af data, der hjælper lidt på vej. Den beskriver kort rækkefølgen det skal gøres i, da deltagere ikke kan slettes fra systemet, […]
Ny sortering af events
g src=”https://support.eventbuizz.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Nyhed_PNP_1.jpg” alt=”” width=”1200″ height=”835″ class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-2795″ /> Nu er der kommet endnu bedre muligheder for at danne sig overblik over events i eventcenteret. Du kan nu søge på om dine events er skabt i Eventcenteret eller i Plug’n’Play. Den nye sortering er kun tilgængelig for brugere der har adgang til Plug’n’Play. Der er […]
Nye features i “Min Profil”
har Min Profil fået den helt store overhaling. Min profil er stedet hvor dine deltagere kan se deres personlige information og eventuelle tilvalg under registreringsprocessen. Nu er det muligt til og fravælge felter helt frit, samt at ændre rækkefølgen felterne optræder i. Sidst men ikke mindst, kan de enkelte felter gøres private, så kun deltageren […]
Happy New Year from Eventbuizz
g class=”alignnone size-full wp-image-2774″ src=”https://support.eventbuizz.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/shutterstock_2025179879_2022_resize.jpg” alt=”” width=”2000″ height=”800″ /> With 2021 behind us, it is time to have a look back at a year that will be hard to forget, for better or worse. The option of changing physical events to virtual and even hybrid events, at the press of a button, certainly opened up […]
Vores Interne booking-modul er klar til brug
lang=”da” style=”margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt;”>Så er der kommet endnu en ønsket feature til Eventbuizz. Vi har længe haft mulighed for at kunne booke hotelværelser som en del af registreringsprocessen, men nu har vi fået lavet et internt bookingsystem, så du som arrangør, selv kan booke værelser til dine deltagere. Den nye feature kan […]