News & Updates

Ny funktionalitet til bannerhåndtering

Vi er glade for at kunne præsentere vores nye bannerhåndteringsfunktion, som bliver tilgængelig fra den 14. oktober. Den gør det endnu nemmere for dig at tilpasse bannere på tværs af din hjemmeside, app og iPad. Med denne opdatering kan du nu tilføje både billeder og videoer som bannere. Derudover får du mulighed for at indsætte […]

Eventbuizz Service Update on 25-26 December 2023

From 25.12.2023 til 26.12.2023, Eventbuizz will be down for maintenance and updates. It will not be possible to access the back end, event apps or event registration sites. If your customers try to access these sites, following notification will be displayed: “Sorry for the inconvenience, we are performing some important maintenance.” If you have any […]

Nyt kapitel i EventBuizz’s rejse

Kære kunder Nyt kapitel i EventBuizz’s rejse.Vi er begejstrede for at præsentere en stor fornyelse her hos EventBuizz. Vi har arbejdet hårdt bag kulisserne og er nu klar til at løfte sløret for vores nye logo, visuelle identitet, en frisk kommunikationsstrategi og ikke mindst vores helt nye hjemmeside! Vi har skabt en ny og anderledes […]

Eventbuizz Service Update on 22. October 2023

On the 22.10.2023, Eventbuizz will be down for maintenance and updates. It will not be possible to access the back end, event apps or event registration sites. If your customers try to access these sites, following notification will be displayed: “Sorry for the inconvenience, we are performing some important maintenance the 22.10.2023 from 01:00 CET […]

Lead scanning får en opdatering

Fra den første Juli vil vores leads scanning-feature blive opdateret. Både vores applikation og i selve eventcenteret. Den nye applikation får en mere moderne navigering, i stedet for de gamle faneblade, men med alle de samme features. Den vil på App Store og på Google Play få navnet “Eventbuizz Lead Scanner 2.0” i den første […]

VIGTIGT: Udrulning af ny tilmeldingsplatform – husk at få booket uddannelse nu

Vi kan med stor glæde informere om, at vi nu er klar til at on-boarde alle vores kunder på den helt nye tilmeldingsplatform. Den nye platform har et super lækkert design og mange nye funktioner.  Det er derfor vigtigt, at I allerede nu og over sommeren får sendt flest mulige brugere på uddannelse. Denne information […]

New dashboards for SMS and Email

On the main page after logging in to Event Center you will find an overview for SMS and Email sent by organizer. Not only do you have this status and overview to filter by events and dates, you can also find the exact Email sent, and resend it to the specific attendee. On the SMS […]

Word cloud upgrade

Word cloud question in polls and surveys has extended to handle more words and gives the attendee the option to submit more. How it works? Add a Word cloud question in poll or survey, and decide how many words the attendee will type to answer the question. You will also decide whether or not the […]

Happy New Year from Eventbuizz

The year 2022 was one of the busiest years Eventbuizz has seen, with several major redesigns of our software and a whole range of new features introduced. But we are of course not stopping there. In 2023 we will introduce some of the biggest changes in our software to date, making it easier and faster […]

New attendee settings / Nye deltagerindstillinger

For attendee settings, you as the organizer decides which information should be visible for the attendee, for all attendees, which permissions are given and how everyone will login to the app. These new attendee settings are divided into Sign in settings, Fields management, Permissions and Display settings. SIGN IN SETTINGS – Adjust all sign in settings, […]

New list view the Event Center / Ny visning af events i Eventcenteret

New event listing page in Event Center with an additional helpful functions such as more information about your events, new options for sorting by date, year and much more. To begin with you can choose if you want to stay with the old list view. On the first of september, we will make the switch and […]

Eventbuizz – now with unlimited information pages / Nu har Eventbuizz et uendeligt antal informationssider

We are replacing the 3 modules (practical information, general information and addtional information) with a more flexible and dynamic function. For the foreseeable future the three old information pages will still be available, but they will be phased out in time. With Information pages you can forget about limitations, because here you can create an […]


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